Monday, March 2, 2015

But Mister no one sees race.......

 I have the fortunate pleasure of being able to be a mentor in a very special program at the high school that I work in. I cannot go into too much detail about the conversations that occurred in the group since it is a confidential program. However, what I can say is that having conversations about race is more important than ever. Many students are uncomfortable to discuss anything about race. They assume that mentioning or discussion in a serious way is what is racist......It takes a few questions, but it is clear that they have very strong opinions and impressions because of race. The issue of race is one that is apparent is one were to just glance in the cafeteria. The issue of race is not something that is going to go away and by refusing to acknowledge it, we give power to those who use it for divisive purposes. How do people know what racism is if they are never allowed to recognize it? Many Americans try to full themselves by thinking we live in a post racial society when the reality is that we don't. Should we strive for a color-blind society? No, I don't think so because then by definition we would all have to be a standard. Anyway, I am getting off-topic. Hearing a young black student describe being white as a good thing and being black a bad thing is what answered this question for me. If this student never had the opportunity to to express his feelings, he never would of realized that he had internalized so many negative things about his race. People may read this and think that it is ridiculous that people could think in this way, but the reality is many of our minority students are bombarded with negative messages that they internalize. This internalization can lead to disastrous results. So, it is important to talk about race because it is the only way we as a society can finally start dismantling the inequalities that exist. 

I believe that there is a great majority of people who really want equality under the law, but they for whatever reason are passive. It is the job of those of us who care for social justice to be the constant voice for equality. We have to persuade that vast middle ground to stand with us and not allow injustice to continue or prevail. It does not have to be grand march or starts by having simple conversations with other humans beings. That is what it is about....seeing our common humanity and the richness of our differences.

Did I answer any questions? Sigh I think I rambled....

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